Cum neque iure ut esse voluptatem et consequuntur nostrum sed exercitationem galisum eum pariatur optio ut sunt amet. Vel perferendis modi ut perferendis.
Complaint that PorchCam can't pick up voices or speech.
User reported that there was sometimes up to a 30 second or minute delay.
User is having issues pairing his iPhone to his PorchCam, though he's able to do so.
User reports that their desktop app crashed while they were using it.
User reports that the images sometimes "fuzz out" or have a period where the image quality.
The PorchCam siren will sometimes go off for about 2-5 seconds when there.
User is receiving duplicates for each alert message, ranging from 2-5 additional messages on top of the original.
previously recorded videos and they have to restart the app for it to work.