Images & Video

All the images in this template are licensed for personal and commercial use. If you'd like to use a specific asset, please check the license below.

Home Page Video
Video by harabe 1001 from Pexels
Pexels Images
Pexels license link
Unsplash Images
Unsplash license link
architectural structure 1
Project Image 1
architectural structure 8
architectural drawing
Typography & Icons

All the fonts in this template are licensed for personal and commercial use. If you'd like to use a specific asset, please check the license below.

SVG icons used in this template were manually designed. You may download these and edit them to fit your website without asking for permission or providing credit.

IBM Plex Sans & IBM Plex Sans Condensed

IBM Plex website link

Apache license link
Google Material icons

Google material icon link

Apache license link